This is a project provide it by Dezzex Technology Pvt Ltd to build real-time messaging app
Getting Started
- Fork repository and clone it.
Install dependence:
You need to install python and poetry first
Run the server:
1. Create .env file:
create .env in the root of the project or set your ENV add the following line into .env file or set your ENV:
DEBUG=True # change this in production
ALLOWED_HOSTS=example.com, localhost,, # change this in production
SECRET_KEY=w86k@*ash*z)dsxsoz+o*ne*ugb08(4nu13%8!m*+2_e@@7hnx # change this in production and never put the production key here
DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///db.sqlite3 # Choose whatever sql database you want
2. Run migrations:
3. Load fixtures:
4. Run the server:
Go the Admin Page and login with the following credentials:
username: mohamed
password: 1234567899mnm
Go to Open API UI to see the API documentation
5. Using the API
5.1. Create user:
5.2. Login:
5.3. Create Message:
5.4. Get Messages:
Only the user who sent the message or the user who received the message can get the message of the room
6. Websocket
In this example we will use Hoppscotch
6.1. Connect to websocket:
6.2. Send your token:
6.3. Send your message via Admin page Admin Page:
6.4. You will receive the message:
7. Run the tests:
License: MIT
Last update: 2023-06-09